
Got in touch with music in early childhood.

Attended Music School in Villach at the age of 6.

Education in Classic and Electric Guitar for 12 years at Music School Villach.

Studies for Jazz Guitar Diploma as well as Pedagogic Diploma at Carinthian State Conservatory Klagenfurt – now GMPU. Passed both studies with distinction.

Erasmusyear at HfMT Cologne.

Bachelor of Music Studies at HfMT Hamburg. Passed with distinction.

Master of Arts Studies at MUK Private University Vienna. Passed with distinction.

Winner of the Gironcoli Prize (recognition award).

Since 2020 Raphael Käfer is working as a freelance musician.

2021 he has released his debut album „Retrospection“ by the Austrian label ATS Records.

Since 2021 part of the faculty for Guitar at the VMI – Vienna Music Institute.

Raphael Käfer 2020
Foto by Manuel Rieder